X Marks the Sirens


Instrumentation: Mezzo-Soprano and Fixed Media
Duration: 5 minutes
Recording Available: Yes
Performed: Yes
Catalog ID: RE1053
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X Marks the Sirens was written for and dedicated to mezzo-soprano, Katherine Crawford. This composition was completed in my home studio in July, 2013. My heartfelt thanks to acclaimed poet and my colleague, Jackie White, for supplying a beautiful text.

Katie Crawford and Mike McFerron
Recorded at the Kansas City Kansas Community College Recording Studios, the recording above features mezzo-soprano, Katherine Crawford.

X Marks the Sirens
by Jackie White
"X Marks the Sirens" from Beast Charmers Riddle is used with the permission of Jackie White. ©2013 by Jackie White

Alice Brown with Mike McFerron
Mike McFerron with Alice Brown after the performance of X Marks the Sirens at the 2014 2014 Electronic Music Midwest Invitational mini-Festival